Sunday, April 6, 2008


More than 20 leading social conservatives signed an open letter to Senator John McCain expressing their displeasure over the prospect of an “M&M” ticket being pushed by Karl Rove, Sean Hannity and others in the economic wing of the Republican Party.

Among the signers are those, such as Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation, who once supported Mitt Romney and now publicly regret it.

“If Governor Romney is on your ticket, many social conservative voters will consider their values repudiated by the Republican Party and will either stay away from the polls this November or only vote down ticket. For the sake of your election, the health of your party, and the future of America you must not allow the obvious electoral consequences of that to occur,” concludes the text of the ad.

The warning from grass roots conservatives is clear; with Mitt Romney on the ticket there could very well be enough social conservatives staying at home to allow a Barack Obama victory in the fall.

The full page advertisement will begin running in cities in which Senator McCain is campaigning, beginning Saturday April 5, 2008 in Prescott, Arizona. Readers are given an opportunity to express their opinions of Mitt Romney as the vice presidential choice of Senator McCain at .

The NO MITT advertisements are underwritten by William J. Murray’s social conservative Government Is Not God – PAC.


Judicial said...

Mitt Romney would make an excellent VP. I would vote for McCain in most circumstances. Except if he chooses that idiot Mike Up-Chuck-abee.

Marg said...

Please withdraw your “No Mitt Ad” and publish a retraction—it is the only honorable thing to do!

I just read your “THE NO MITT AD AND MORMANISM” article on the Government is Not God website. It is very interesting that you call people dishonest for registering their opinions FOR Mitt Romney on the petition website you set up!
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that your No Mitt Ad is dishonest because you use claims that are false and have been thoroughly discredited. If your contempt for Mitt Romney’s background is so strong, to the point that you ignore the truth about it, then that is what you call bigotry, no matter what religion he is.
It is because of people like you that we do not have a competent, truly conservative Republican nominee to run against the Democrats this year. Mitt Romney was the ONLY candidate who could pull things together and save the country from economic implosion and continuing foreign policy nightmares. You will be on the list of those history will hold responsible for NOT electing Mitt Romney as President of the United States.

Justin Wong said...

Found this blog ultimately through Fox News.

God is not government either. If God is so powerful, why does he need earthly institutions to enforce his will

jason said...

Thanks, I love your anti-mormon site! Keep up the good work.

[M] said...

I'm afraid your group is in the minority. There are more people that will stay home if McCain does not choose Mitt. Mitt Romney is an extremely moral person. Quit trying to divide the republican party, it is not in the best interest of our country at this time of war.

Cold Leftovers said...

Mitt would be an EXCELLENT VP. Far, FAR better than Mike Huckabee, who we all know has caused more divisiveness in the party than any other potential VP candidate (certainly more than Romney.

Go Mitt!

Phillip said...

Please stop these ridiculous attempts to hijack the GOP and make it a Christian Democratic Union. You truly are making yourselves out to be the "agents of intolerance" that Sen. McCain labeled so many of you. I'm a Catholic conservative who supports all of your views and I am a supporter of Mitt Romney.

Your actions and others show me that in America there still exists a lot of hatred towards those who's religious beliefs are not Protestant and that if one does not pass these subtle "religious litmus tests" you people have setup, then they are branded as Unelectable.

You can claim all day that you have campaigned for Mormons, Catholics, etc., but the comments on your petition by your supporters tell a different story.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong about Gov. Romney, sir. He is a fine man and would be a great VP. Personally, I will support McCain either way, but I believe he could do much worse than having Mitt Romney as his running mate.

Mike said...

Mr. Murray,

I respect your right to your opinion about Mitt Romney. I disagree profoundly and am very proud of all Gov. Romney did in my state to, as Buckley would say "stand athwart history yelling 'Stop'". I am disappointed in some of the results, but challenge any conservative to have produced better results is this state. Here, he has taken a LOT of flack for mocking the state's liberalness, but I can appreciate his struggles.

I also must confess to having "signed" your petition to express support for Gov. Romney. To a certain extent you are correct that it was a bit duplicitous and I debated long and hard whether to do it. In the end, no other means of expressing my opposition to the message of the petition would have reached any ears.

I was offended, as were you, at those who called the petition Anti-Mormon, an am grateful to hear of your support of Rep Istook (whose son is a friend of mine). You must realize that, though the signers of the original petition may have been able to completely disregard Gov. Romney's mormonism, the web signers of the petition were writing the most antagonistic anti-mormon drivel I have ever seen. It is no surprise that the anti-anti-mormon comments were posted as well.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul said...

my post for John McCain... which you are blocking:

"I'm glad so many people feel that you have most likely already written off this ridiculous petition. I was a eager Romney supporter, and frankly, I still have concerns regarding your candidacy. Nonetheless, I decided to fully support you, in large measure, because of Mitt's example, conviction, and rationale. His urging of others to support the party has been consistent and absolute. This may come across as an unsophisticated decision, but that's how it happened for me. I imagine that's how it happened for many more. His actions helped me see a bigger picture. I support you, but I would be that much more enthusiastic were you to select Mitt as your running mate. Please, at the very least, give the option the full consideration it deserves. Thank you and best of luck!"

To this PAC: The vast majority of conservatives and conservative organizations support Romney. You know this. Don't play dumb. Otherwise it seems you've forgotten how disappointed the CPAC attendees were when he quit the race. You're a minority among your own adherents. Additionally, you're aligned with Huckabee, who's campaign DID practice anti-mormon and bigoted religious tactics. These are documented. So if you aren't in line with most other conservatives... isn't it fair to inquire as to your motives?

Your claim that these questions are unreasonable is disingenuous at best. There is a large consensus that the mormon issue is indeed a driver in your Mitt mongering. It's a shame. If he were of any other religion this wouldn't be happening. You attack him as if he were a Democrat! You openly assume he lies, panders, and deceives. You accuse him of being dishonest, convenient, and fake. He is treated differently than others, despite being one of the most capable, successful, and proven leaders to run for office in quite some time. How is it possible that Mitt's character be under such attack, while Huckabee's track record of gross departures from republican principles somehow doesn't bother you. Thanks to folks like you, we now have to "settle" for a candidate who almost became a Democrat himself (oh wait, at least he's not a mormon, cause that would be the end of the world, right?)

Up until this past year, I was a passive observer of the political process. I, like many others, placed confidence and trust in the early states, assuming they were filled with honest, hard-working, moral voters. I waited for their cue to throw my support in the "right" direction. When they proposed Huckabee: the closet liberal with a smooth tongue, I felt let down to say the least. I was dismayed to see the voting of religion over positions, merit, and competence. While Huckabee continues to prove that he was indeed the wrong man for the job, Romney continually reminds us that he was the right choice all along.

I no longer trust these early states nor organizations such as yours. After these next four bleak years, I hope others don't either.

McDonald Family said...

I will not support McCain unless he chooses Mitt Romney. You are few and hopefully growing fewer.

Shame on you for lying so blatantly concerning Gov. Romney's record, views and personality.

If people like you keep this up, you will lose people like me (fiscal conservatives) and will not have any political relevance (perhaps that's already happened?)

Mitt 2012 said...

Gregg Jackson is hardly influential and if you truly believe that none of the signatories of your cute little petition have no anti-Mormon bias, do a little more research on them. Gregg Jackson in particular I would like to have a go at on his radio show that is listened to by maybe 13 people.

al said...

I respectfully disagree with your petition. I would suspect that the Massachusetts Citizens for Life group, having awarded Gov. Romney for his efforts in MA, and the National Right to Life organization would also disagree. I am unclear what motivates you to attack Mitt Romney, who fought as hard to promote the social conservative agenda as anyone possibly could in such a liberal state. It is far better to have small victories than none at all. We ought to celebrate that Mitt is now pro-life and has governed accordingly. This petition is reprehensible in that it only further drives a wedge into a party that must unite. I find it does nothing to further the social conservative agenda because it is saying there is a litmus test for adherence to the principles. This will only drive people away and you will be rendered all the more ineffective, accomplishing nothing. I hope if you honestly feel that the only recourse available to you at this time is to petition John McCain that you will apply this means equally. Now that Condi, who actually is pro-choice, is being mentioned I would expect to see a NoCondiVP petition starting as soon as possible, otherwise your motives seem entirely too suspect.

Peter_Overson said...

Dear Sir,

I profoundly disagree with the actions you have taken to "drum out" Mitt Romney from the Veepstakes. I don't know if Mitt is interested or not. I don't know if John McCain is interested in asking him or not. It doesn't matter. What matters is that some choices should be left to the people most affected by them. This happens to be one of them.

I am very much pro-life. I am glad Governor Romney has become so, despite his gubernatorial campaign promises to essentially leave the laws as he found them in Massachusetts. It seems to me that he did leave the laws of Massachusetts essentially unchanged towards abortion while he was Governor of Massachusetts. He kept his word, yet has changed in his heart. We can believe him now more than ever because he did keep his word.

Your actions in this case I believe are very, very misguided and I wish you luck in finding a more worthy cause for your future efforts.

Bricklayer said...

Dear Sir -

Those who signed your petition and made pro-Romney comments were quite clear about their intentions and opinions. Labeling them liars speaks volumes to your own hubris.

What do you really have to gain by labeling Romney the father of gay marriage in Massachusetts? The same Romney who filed a lawsuit against the legislature for failing to carry out its constitutional duty and let the people vote on the matter? The same Romney who attended a public protest against the MA court decision and led the crowd chanting "Let the people vote! Let the people vote!" ???

There are 3 branches of government, each endowed with countervailing powers. Stability and order prevail when the leaders of each branch respect one another and advocate their positions within constitutional boundaries. The MA Supreme Court, in the opinion of many, including the majority of the people, overstepped the boundaries in its decision. If the executive branch responds in kind, the legislative branch has 2 precedents for doing so as well. The result is a destructive cycle with potential to erode the democratic freedoms at the foundation of our society. Romney chose not to take that chance, but to fight as hard as he could against gay marriage within his circle of authority.

YOu may disagree with the scope of Romney's authority as an executive, but an honest look at his actions in the gay marriage battle provides no reasonable, rationale basis for labeling him "the Father of gay marriage."

I earnestly encourage you to re-examine your opinions on Romney's social stances. A recent convert to a cause or organization is no less a believer than a lifelong adherent. RAther, new converts are often the most animated and motivated to act on their fresh convictions. No where in your ad nor in your disposition toward romney do you give him that opportunity. I urge you to reconsider.v

Bricklayer said...

by the way, please stop making broad brush statements for and on behalf of "social conservatives."

I am a staunch social conservative and I supported Romney wholeheartedly and will do so again should he become McCain's running mate.

YOu do not speak for "social conservatives," at least not most of them. A very large portion of social conservatives, including this one, fully support Mr. Romney.

You are not my mouthpiece.

Unknown said...

Philip and Bricklayer said it best:

1) You (and 19 others) have shown that you are, indeed, "agents of intolerance." (and ignorance, deception, etc.)

2) Please don't claim to speak for social conservatives. Some undoubtedly agree with you, but many do not.

Houston said...

I see little hope for the Republican Party in the November election without Gov. Mitt Romney on the Republican ticket with John McCain. No other candidate with Mitt's attributes can be found this election year. It will be a winning ticket. Thank you.
Yes Mitt VP 2008

hillplus said...

Mr. Chairman of Religious Freedom.

I propose that your idea of religious freedom extends only to those who think EXACTLY as you do!

Unknown said...

I cant believe you may actually think that ANY social conservative would stay home and let Obama win... And how can you actually believe that you can speak for "grass root conservatives" and for "social conservatives"? Cause you got 20 to sign a petition? You should use the word "some" in front of who you think you speak for. It would make more sense. Romney would be a great choice for McCain as Vice.

hillplus said...

"Karl Rove claims to be an evangelical and should understand the dynamics working against Romney. As a
Washington insider he knows full well that Mitt Romney will further weaken the already shaky
support of evangelicals for McCain. They will be driven away en mass from the Republican ticket, yet
he persists in pushing Romney for the number two slot. A large coalition of Christian evangelicals is
forming to stop the Romney for VP train. Paid advertising has already been reserved for a media
campaign to expose Romney's left leaning background."

NOW tell me again that your rejection of Romney has NOTHING to do with his religion.
YOU are not an honest man. I would have more respect for you if you just admitted that you hate Mormonism and left it at that. Your words betray you.

Lance in TX said...

If the "No Mitt for VP" drive was really about Mitt and the stand he has taken on issues, there would not be a need to push the "Evangelical" issue. But your own words betray your statements about it not being a religious issue.

Every time you mention "Evangelical" in your articles and statements and point out "Evangelical" in them, you are drawing the line between the Evangelical vs. LDS issue.
Personally I know many Evangelical voters that did vote or would have voted for Romney. They were able to see the good in him and his record without letting the religious differences blind them.

Maybe a visit to would be a good place to start for those that are focusing on the Evangelical vs. LDS religious differences.

As was asked in a previous blog entry: Will there be a NoCondiVP drive next? If not, then the NoMittVP drive is 100% about religious differences. Condi is not a conservative. She is a full socialist at best and a full communist at worst. She was schooled in Moscow during the Cold War. She has time and time again shown that she leans very hard towards socialism.

So.. I would like to see this group stand up and face what they are really going for: Mike Huckabee for VP. That seems to be the only person that would fit their requirements. The only think they will not admit is that he is nost much better than Condi and a whole lot worse than Romney. But of course he is the right religion? Right? Afterall, he has the Evangelical title.

What we need (and needed during the primaries) was intellectual honesty. Look at their records.

I find it very ironic that George W Bush was overwhelmingly supported by LDS voters even though he is not LDS, but when a LDS candidate comes up he will not be supported. Hipocrisy. It would be one thing if it was really about issues, but it has always been about religion.

My wife and I have said over and over... This country will get the leaders it deserves: Good or Bad.

TruthDefender said...

The presumptive nominee John McCain needs a stalewart conservative VP - a man of sterling character, high intelligence and grace, exactly like Mitt Romney. Other than our favorite Ronald Reagan, there is no one better to fill this post.

Stop embarrassing the Christians who can look beyond Mitt's LDS theology, and see the caliber of the man that this religion has produced. Your anti- Mormon bias is not in the best interest of America, or John McCain.


Gotoguy said...

I've got a NO MITT for you.

Unknown said...

"Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

Mr. Murray, our Saviour did not lie in order to further The Cause, yet you lie blatantly, and in the name of Evangelical purposes.

Isaiah foresaw these days clearly, foresaw your actions as clearly as if at noon day.

His "Woe" is a terrible fate, I hope you realize that, for your own sake.

AT-AT Walker said...

Who is a great leader?
Conservatives only need to look as far as a mans family. How were Mitt's kids raised? What do they think about their dad? What kind of person is Ann Romney? How does a man become so successful in business and raise such a great family? It is a amazing that
the keepers of truth that run this site could spin the truth so bad they have to make up things about a candidate thats only major issue has been that he is too good! Wow.. say that again he is too good/conservative etc etc.

Marg's comments were so great they are worth repeating.

Please withdraw your “No Mitt Ad” and publish a retraction—it is the only honorable thing to do!

I just read your “THE NO MITT AD AND MORMANISM” article on the Government is Not God website. It is very interesting that you call people dishonest for registering their opinions FOR Mitt Romney on the petition website you set up!
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that your No Mitt Ad is dishonest because you use claims that are false and have been thoroughly discredited. If your contempt for Mitt Romney’s background is so strong, to the point that you ignore the truth about it, then that is what you call bigotry, no matter what religion he is.
It is because of people like you that we do not have a competent, truly conservative Republican nominee to run against the Democrats this year. Mitt Romney was the ONLY candidate who could pull things together and save the country from economic implosion and continuing foreign policy nightmares. You will be on the list of those history will hold responsible for NOT electing Mitt Romney as President of the United States.

Go Mitt!
Go Mitt!
Go Mitt!
Go Mitt!
Go Mitt!
Go Mitt! :)

Craig Mulliner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.