Government Is Not God -PAC officially endorsed Senator Rick Santorum for the office of President of the United States on December 30th, 2011. In his statement of endorsement GING-PAC chairman William J. Murray stated that although there were other social conservatives in the race Senator Santorum's experience as a congressman and Senator and proven dedication to religious liberty indicated that he should receive the GOP nomination.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Campaign Update - December, 2011
On December 6th at a conference in Geneva, Switzerland attended by diplomats from all over the world including Arab nations, Secretary Clinton compared the struggle for “gay equality” to difficult passages toward women’s rights and racial equality. She said that a nation’s cultural or religious “traditions” are not an excuse for discrimination against homosexuals. “Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights,” she said.
“It should never be a crime to be gay,” Clinton declared and concluded that, “Gay people are born into and belong to every society in the world.”
At the same moment in Washington, DC President Barack Obama was directing U.S. agencies working abroad, including the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development, to use foreign aid to assist gays and lesbians who are facing human rights violations. He ordered U.S. agencies to “protect” vulnerable gay and lesbian refugees and asylum seekers. In a statement issued with the memorandum Obama said, “The struggle to end discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons is a global challenge, and one that is central to the United States’ commitment to promoting human rights.”
In effect President Obama ordered U.S. agencies to import homosexuals from all over the world who are threatened. Thus anyone walking into an embassy anywhere in the world where homosexual activities including “gay marriage” are illegal claiming to be gay will be put at the front of the line to immigrate to the United States. How would they prove their “gayness?”
Oddly, President Obama had already put Muslim refugees at the front of the line. It is well known in the Christian communities in Muslim nations that they will not even be considered for immigrant status to the United States, even if they already have relatives here. The Obama Administration is importing hundreds of thousands of Muslim “refugees” and using Nashville and Atlanta to resettle them as a means of busting the Bible belt which is a traditional foe of the Democrat party. Muslim refugees and homosexuals now have special status to immigrate to the United States. This is an Obama legacy that must be ended. This nation needs immigrants that are well educated, hard working and of child bearing age.
WISCONSIN – In 2008, when long time ultra-liberal Senator Russ Feingold was defeated, the headline at liberal was “Progressive hero Feingold defeated by wide margin: Tea Party-backed businessman Ron Johnson will be the next senator from Wisconsin.” Six years earlier, GING-PAC backed Congressman Mark Neumann had come within two points of defeating Feingold. Neumann was a strong social conservative, a businessman who had won two terms in the House, where he backed the partial-birth abortion ban and other pro-life legislation. Neumann was constantly ridiculed by the liberal press in Wisconsin while he was in office. Mark Neumann and William J Murray |
The retirement of Kohl is an opportunity for a second true conservative, a social conservative, to join Ron Johnson in representing the state of Wisconsin. This state has for decades been represented by people who do not share the values of their constituents.
South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, a Tea Party stalwart, has endorsed Mark Neumann in the Wisconsin Senate Republican primary race. Mark Neumann will face former Governor Tommy Thompson and State Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald. In his endorsement DeMint said, “Mark Neumann is a proven, conservative leader and he’s running against Tommy Thompson, a Republican who helped President Obama pass his healthcare takeover.” Regardless of what the media may report, Thompson is no conservative.
There is no doubt in my mind that Mark Neumann will win the GOP primary, and also that Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, the lesbian activist who pushes the gay agenda and big government policies in the House of Representatives, will win the Democrat primary.
Baldwin is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a group of socialists who relentlessly work to undermine the free enterprise system and to create a huge welfare state. Not able to damage the social fabric of the nation enough in the House, Baldwin wants to do more damage to our nation as a U.S. Senator, by among other things repealing of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Her main cause is homosexuality.
The choice for the people of Wisconsin could not be more clear — Neumann, a pro-life family man, versus lesbian activist Baldwin. GING-PAC has joined Senator DeMint in endorsing Mark Neumann for the open Senate seat in Wisconsin.
A final note: Barack Obama has promised to spend one billion dollars in his efforts to win reelection. This billion dollars does not even include the use of Air Force One to travel the nation making class warfare speeches as he has been doing already in swing states for the past several months. He will spend millions of dollars in tax payers’ dolllars as well.
I really need your help to wage the war for freedom in 2012. The first presidential primary is just over one month away and we urgently need cash in the bank. We must all work together to save America. Please help financially.
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
Mark Neumann,
State Department,
Tammy Baldwin
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Campaign Update - October-November, 2011
WHAT THE PRESIDENTIAL CHALLENGERS BELIEVE – Over the years I have had the privilege to work on various projects with some of the current Republican candidates for President and I have met and talked to most of them more than once. Just before she announced her run for the presidency I was one of just eight conservative leaders who had lunch with Michele Bachmann at the Capitol Hill club in Washington, DC.
What kind of people are the Republican candidates and how do they differ from Obama? Back in the late 1990’s, then Speaker Newt Gingrich appeared at several press conferences held by the Religious Freedom Coalition in support of a Religious Freedom Amendment to the Constitution that would allow kids and teachers to pray in school. One rather famous photo shows me speaking at a podium with the entire House leadership of Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey and Tom DeLay standing behind me. Although he never commented on Islam during the George W. Bush presidency, since Obama was sworn in Gingrich has made numerous statements and produced documentaries on Islamic oppression.
Over a period of many years Senator Rick Santorum ran a separate International Religious Freedom Caucus in the Senate. He held monthly meetings with organizations such as the Religious Freedom Coalition, not only to discuss but to take action against the persecution of religious minorities in the Middle East, and in China and Vietnam as well. In July of 2006 I was with Senator Santorum at a press conference at the Washington, DC Press Club when he was the first seated politician to use the phrase “Islamic fascism,” much to the disdain of the White House. Far from backing down, at a later meeting at the White House with Senators he held a copy of the speech up in the air and asked President George W. Bush to please read it.
Rick Santorum is a conservative, believing Catholic. He and his wife Karen, who is a nurse, have seven living children. On November 12, 2004, Rick and Karen were invested as Knight and Dame of Magistral Grace of the Knights of Malta in a ceremony at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City. Only the most conservative of Catholics would receive such an honor. During conversations with the couple at a meeting here in Washington, DC, Karen told me that her only disagreement ever with her husband was when he backed liberal Republican Senator Arlen Specter for reelection. She is definitely no Laura Bush.
I have known Herman Cain for many years and back in 2004, Government Is Not God political action committee supported his Senate campaign because of his outspoken support of social conservative causes. Recently he told the Values Voter Summit, “I am 100 % pro-life from the hour of conception.” Herman Cain is not just a businessman. He worked for six years in the Department of the Navy and has made it clear he is opposed to homosexuals serving openly in the military. Cain stands with social conservatives on virtually every issue. In my presence, in meetings he has called Islamists an existential threat to America.
Note: In November the left leaning online journal Politico lauched attacks against Cain accusing him of sexual harrassment. He was never accused of touching anyone or actually doing anything, but a couple of women that worked for him said they “felt uncomfortable.” The reality is different. Virtually every executive in America has had such accusations thrown at them when they have job disputes with women; it is part of the corporate culture. In 48 hours the TV networks ran more tha 50 segmetns on the unproven accusations. In 1997 when Kathleen Willey accused President Bill Clinton of “groping” her, the media ran one story in the first 48 hours. Why the different standard? Liberals have a radical, racist hatred of conservative black Americans.
The views of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann were well known before she declared for the presidency. During a recent conversation, Michele Bachmann told me, “I thought I was a Christian because I was born into a Lutheran family. As a teenager I heard the Gospel with two girlfriends at an evangelical church and I made the decision to abandon myself for Jesus.” Several times during the conversation Michele used the term “abandoned myself” to describe her conversion experience.
In small group discussions I have been in with Michele Bachmann, she has convinced me that she understands the threat of Islamic domination of the world. This month I met her husband Marcus for the first time. He is a Christian psychologist whose office is surrounded by homosexual demonstrators virtually every week because he accepts patients who don’t want to be “gay” any more.
I have met Congressman Ron Paul numerous times and he is a true libertarian. Unfortunately libertarians like Ron Paul agree more often with Barack Obama on social issues than with me. He sees absolutely no need for the United States to assist persecuted Christians. He believes that sales of drugs, including heroin, and the sale of one’s body for use in prostitution should be up to each state. Because of his position on same-sex marriage he has been endorsed by the “conservative” gay political action committee Log Cabin Republicans.
While I met briefly with Rick Perry when he was Lieutenant Governor of Texas, I have never had an in depth conversation with him to try to discern his sincerity. I have never met with Governor Romney as we do not travel, shall we say, in the same circles. My purpose here is to talk about those I know personally and to try to convey the difference between them and President Barack Obama.
The four Republicans I have met and interacted the most with — Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum — have profound differences with President Barack Obama. In conclusion, none of these four, nor any of the rest of the GOP presidential field, approves of the radical class war demonstrations across the nation that are supported by Barack Obama, the Democratic Party and the major labor unions. Obama’s support of these violent demonstrations, which at one point shut down the port of Oakland, must be remembered in 2012.
A final note: There was no October issue of the GINGPAC Update because I have been working almost full time on the Constitution or Sharia Conference that will take place in Nashville, Tennessee on 11/11/11. The Hutton Hotel in that city was pressured by Muslims and cancelled the contract with us. Since then we have moved the conference to a church. For more information, please go to
And finally, GINGPAC does need financial support to be a part of the 2012 battle. While the presidential race is in the headlines we still need more conservatives in the House and the Senate. Help GING-PAC today!
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Remembering the jihad attack of September 11th
I was on I-395 approaching the 14th Street bridge at the moment Islamic terrorists flew hijacked American Airlines 77 into the Pentagon. At the time I was literally on the phone with an assistant to President Bush talking about the jihad attack in New York City. I had been headed to a press conference in support of the Sudan Peace Act that the White House opposed. The Sudan Peace Act would have punished the Islamic Sudanese government economically for murdering for the continued persecution and mass murder of Christians in the South Sudan. This video contains my remarks at a church service on the first anniversary of of the jihad attack of September 11th against the United States.
American Airlines,
flight 77,
Ground Zero,
William J Murray
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Campaign Update - August, 2011
CALIFORNIA 36th – The GING-PAC endorsed candidate lost in the special election held on July 12th for the 36th congressional district in California. Craig Huey had won an amazing victory in the primary race by finishing second with half a dozen candidates seeking the post. In the runoff election Huey faced Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn, who was bankrolled by unions, pro-abortionists, Hollywood limousine liberals and many leftist groups. The far left Hahn got 55% of the vote to Huey’s 45%. Even this was surprising considering that the 36th is a heavily Democratic area running from Venice to San Pedro and includes Torrance. Hahn will still have to run for re-election in 2012. By then she will have established a radical voting record in the House which Huey can expose if he chooses to run again.
Going into the race Craig Huey was a long shot. GING-PAC supported him because he was delivering a pro-life, pro-family message in an area where schools don’t teach and newspapers don’t print anything that would be considered pro-Christian. Every dollar was worth the investment in educating people in that district that there is a different point of view. The seat had been held by the far left for decades.
NEW YORK 9th – A Republican who is also on the Conservative party line, a radical left Democrat and a socialist are running to fill the seat held by disgraced Democrat Anthony Weiner whose career ended with his naked posts on Twitter. Andy Sullivan, a construction worker who has led the effort to stop the Ground Zero mosque from being built in New York City tried and failed to get on the GOP ticket. Bob Turner was picked by the New York Republican Party and the Conservative Party to challenge Democrat NY Assemblyman David Weprin, an Obama-style radical. Weprin has been described in the New York media as a machine politician. He’s been endorsed by the smarmy Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Christopher Hoeppner of the Socialist Workers Party turned in 7,080 signatures to put his name and party on the ballot in the September 13 special election.
Former New York Mayor and lifelong Democrat Ed Koch has vowed that he will vote for the Republican Bob Turner in order to punish President Obama for his anti-Israel policies. According to Koch: “If Jewish New Yorkers and others who support Israel were to turn away from the Democratic Party in that congressional election and elect the Republican candidate to Congress in 2011, it might very well cause President Obama to change his hostile position on the state of Israel and to re-establish the special relationship presidents before him had supported.” Turner is now running a TV ad attacking Weprin for his support of the Ground Zero mosque.
GING-PAC has not yet endorsed either Republican for Weiner’s seat. Although Bob Turner is a pro-life conservative Catholic who stands against same-sex marriage, he was also the producer of TV programs that are rather hard to justify, such as the Jerry Springer Show.
A primary will be held on November 8th and the special election on January 31st, 2011. The winner will have to immediately begin to campaign for reelection in November of 2011. Unlike in California’s 36th which is overwhelming Democrat, there is an opportunity for a Republican to win in Oregon despite its liberal tendencies. Wu won in November of last year with 54% of the vote. Republican businessman Rob Cornilles has announced he will seek the seat. Cornilles, ran unsuccessfully against Wu in the 2010 general election. John Kuzmanich, an entrepreneur who owns U.S. Nationwide Mortgage in Beaverton, is also a possible Republican candidate as is Doug Keller, a Naval Academy graduate who served for 20 years in the Navy. As soon as we have more information on these candidates, hopefully an endorsement can be made.
I get all kind of letters, e-mail and calls asking me who social conservatives should back in the presidential race. The race is confusing at present and a lot is going on behind the scenes. Here is some inside information you will not read anywhere else:There are evangelicals and then there are “insider” evangelicals. The insiders are the evangelicals with connections inside the Republican Party establishment and include many household names. I do not not considered myself an “insider,” because I toss in the trash the talking points I get form the Republican Party headquarters. This is also why I am often not “on the same page” as other social conservative leaders, most of whom want Rick Perry at the top of the GOP ticket.
Right now virtually all of the evangelical “insiders” are either already working with or somehow associated with Governor Rick Perry in Texas. Some of my best friends have literally been working several days a week in Texas to help him get ready to run for president.
Here is their logic: Evangelical Michele Bachmann is “only” a congresswoman and probably too conservative to win. Evangelical Herman Cain has no political experience. Conservative Catholic Rick Santorum lost his last Senate bid in his home state. Converted Catholic Newt Gingrich has had a few too many wives. Ron Paul is a libertarian who would legalize drugs and prostitution, and the rest of the candidates are too liberal. The “insiders” believe they need an evangelical with a political background and a history of winning big, at least state wide. This is exactly how the evangelical “insiders” picked George W. Bush in 2010.
Will Rick Perry run? Yes. By the time you receive this update he may have already announced. As he travels from state to state you will see notable evangelical leaders standing with him. Governor Rick Perry is probably a good guy, but I have reservations that he may be just another career politician looking for his next promotion. I could be wrong; he may be a better version of President George W. Bush, but I want to hold off for a few months on making that call.
I know Michele Bachmann and in fact I have had lunch with her. She is real. I have met Herman Cain numerous times and held in depth conversations with him. He is real, but his lack of experience has caused him to shift positions and make enemies in the evangelical community. I have worked closely with Rick Santorum on projects when he was a Senator. He is solidly pro-life and will stand against radical Islam, but he is also horribly underfunded. As for Gingrich and Romney, I would not even consider backing either one. Gingrich has lost his touch and his campaign is sort of a joke. Romney is just an opportunist. Mitch Daniels and Jon Huntsman should probably not even be running as Republicans. As the race unfolds I will report honestly on the candidates.
GING-PAC will be involved deeply in the 2012 election. Your help is appreciated.
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013
Bob Turner,
David Wu,
Ed Kock,
Michele Bachmann,
Rick Perry,
Ron Paul,
William Murray
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
House and Senate Pass Budget Control Act
In a 76-26 vote, the U.S. Senate passed the Budget Control Act and sent it to President Obama for his signature on August 2, 1011:
GINGPAC founder William J. Murray issued the following statement following the vote:
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, issued a similar statement. Jordan noted:
GINGPAC founder William J. Murray issued the following statement following the vote:
Voltaire: Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien. We are seeking a perfect solution to a situation that is beyond repair. At this point, if the government drastically reduces spending, the nation will spiral into depression. If the government continues to borrow at the current rate, the nation will go bankrupt. The “perfect” Tea Party solution crashes the economy. The “perfect” liberal solution crushes America under debt and drives away investment. Unfortunately, nothing in the middle works either as long as it is a collective government action of some sort. The only solution is the natural one, which involves decline and reconstruction. Regrettably, the rebirth of a nation economically can take decades.
After months of debate, the House and Senate have reached a deal to raise the debt limit (read about the plan here). In the end, I could not support the legislation. While it contains cuts and caps, they should be much more robust. Additionally, the framework of “triggers” and a new 12-member House-Senate committee opens the door to dangerous national security cuts and raises the possibility that six Democrats and one misguided Republican could rush tax increases to the House and Senate floors.
Most importantly, this deal is not a solution. The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act remains the only plan that protects our AAA credit rating from the risk of a downgrade.
Our debt is a permanent, long-term problem, and it requires a permanent solution in the form of a Balanced Budget Amendment. While the House and Senate will be required to vote on one this fall, there is no requirement that it pass and be sent to the states for ratification. Unless we send a Balanced Budget Amendment to the states, however, promises to cut spending today can always disappear tomorrow. (Watch our quick video on Washington Spending 101).
Just a few weeks ago, the Balanced Budget Amendment wasn’t even a part of the conversation, despite the overwhelming support it has among the American public. The growing momentum toward requiring Washington to actually balance its budget is encouraging, but there’s still a lot of work to be done.
balance budget,
Barack Obama,
Jim Jordan,
Tea Party,
William J Murray
Saturday, July 30, 2011
China's Deadly Utopia
William J. Murray, the chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition along with several congressmen and Senators spoke at an event on Capitol Hill highlighting the persecution of the Falun Gong and other religious minorities in China. Many speakers dealt with the repressive nature of the Chinese Communist Party, but Murray dealt with the core problem of central planning that has been the sources of repression and misery for humanity since the beginning of the 20th Century. His remarks, “China: The Great Utopia” have since been requested by numerous news outlets and have already been televised worldwide. His remarks follow below:
As an introduction to his second chapter in The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich Hayek used a quote by Friedrich Holderlin to sum up collectivism: “What has always made the state a hell on earth has been precisely that man has tried to make it his heaven.”
There are those who see our greatest challenge as the conflict between communist ideology and the free market place or between fascism and democracy, but these are but aspects of the one conflict that humanity faces: reality versus utopianism. During the 20th Century, utopian dreams, unfortunately, became reality in the persons of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Adoph Hitler, and Moa Tse Tung. The result was the “state of hell” referred to by Holderlin. Governments seeking utopia on earth killed tens of millions of human beings in seventy some years of wars, gulags, starvation and mass killings.
While the utopia of Adolf Hitler’s “Thousand- Year Reich” ended in military defeat, and the Soviet “Workers’ Paradise” ended in humiliation for Russia, the dream of a centrally planned utopia lives on in China under the Chinese Communist Party. As in other centrally planned dictatorships, freedom is a casualty in China. Central planning of any kind requires silencing of critics and a control of the press and of speech to insure the continuation of “the plan.” For the level of control needed in China even the worship of God must be tightly directed. If not, “the plan” could perhaps be undermined, even destroyed by critical voices.
In China today there is only one political party, the party that is implementing “the plan” for the lives of the Chinese people. Unable to survive using the pure collectivist model of Karl Marx, the Communist Party has “evolved” to a National Socialism model similar to that of Adolph Hitler, using highly controlled free enterprise sectors to produce the tax base to continue its control.
There is no greater threat to that control than unregulated human faith, the faith represented by the Christian underground churches and the practitioners of Falun Gong. The Chinese Communist Party has used every kind of pressure against the Falun Gong including arrests, rapes, and murders and even forced abortions on Falun Gong women held in captivity. Utopianism requires a grand plan: A Germany without Jews, a Russia without the rich, a Cambodia without the educated, a Caliphate without Christians — or a China without Falun Gong or House Church critics of the Communist Party’s “plan” for the Chinese people.
20th Century utopianism gave the world enough death and destruction to last humanity for 10,000 years. “The Plan” the Chinese Communist Party has for China will fail; it is inevitable. The day of that collapse will mark a new freedom for the repressed. It is the world’s responsibility to give the message to the Chinese communists that “the plan’ is an illusion and that freedom is inevitable regardless of their repression of their own people.
Statement of William J. Murray
Chairman, Religious Freedom Coalition
July 14, 2011 – Capitol Hill
Falun Gong Rally for Freedom
Chairman, Religious Freedom Coalition
July 14, 2011 – Capitol Hill
Falun Gong Rally for Freedom
Press call 202.543.0300
central planning,
Falun Gong,
Road to Surfdom,
William J Murray
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Campaign Update - July, 2011
Big Journalism commentator Kevin Martin believes that the liberal media has a definite strategy figured out in pushing for Jon Huntsman to stay in the race to win the GOP nomination for President of the United States.
The strategy, notes Martin, is to push for Huntsman (an unpalatable candidate for conservatives) so that conservatives will either stay home or vote for a third party candidate. This effort will ensure an Obama re-election.
The mainstream media, says Martin, “will try to portray him as a Reaganesque figure. Unlike Reagan, Huntsman has evolving views on important social issues such as civil unions, man-made global warming, cap and trade and abortion rights that can appeal to voters across the board in the 21 Century. We will be inundated with puff pieces and push polls on his business experience and ability to work with our largest foreign debt holder China on issues of jobs and trade since he was Obama’s pick as Ambassador to China up until recently, which alone earns he has the experience to bring us out of the Great Recession.”
Martin concludes: “Conservatives must remain fully aware that the mainstream media and its pundits will encourage Democrats to crossover and try to ensure that Huntsman wins several open primary states in the early going to make him the perceived GOP front runner. Now with that said, conservatives must remain focused on the fact that our very nation is at stake and we must not allow the hi-jinks of the Main Stream Media and the Democrats to suppress or split our vote in 2012 with the unpalatable Jon Huntsman.”
RINO Huntsman is not only benefitting from the liberal media’s support of him, but he also has the support of his billionaire father who is working behind the scenes for him. Jon Huntsman, Sr. is a self-made billionaire, whose company invented the clamshell containers used by McDonald’s Big Macs.
GAYS LIKE HUNTSMAN AS WELL - I was just a little stunned when someone sent me a link to a story in Q Salt Lake. The Q stands for queer and it is a gay newspaper in Salt Lake City which has semi-endorsed Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman. Rather than editorialize I will quote directly from the gay site, “While there are no official endorsements from any caucuses or groups within the Republican Party yet, the Utah Log Cabin Republicans (ULCR) worked with Huntsman when he was governor, and are ready and willing to work continue that relationship,”
Melvin Nimer, the president of ULCR, said. “Huntsman was the first governor of Utah to open up the governor’s mansion to the LGBT community,” Nimer said. “They [the Huntsman campaign team] have reached out to get some help from us and some people within the group are working with him.” Having read this glowing endorsement of Huntsman in the official “queer” site, needless to say GING-PAC will not be supporting Jon Huntsman for president.
Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann is in second place as choice for President of the United States in 2012 in virtually every poll, just weeks after she announced her bid for the presidency. In a recent nationwide Rasmussen poll Bachmann was at 19% of likely GOP voters, while Romney was at 33%. However, Romney has been running for the office for years and has many millions of dollars for advertising, whereas Bachmann had officially been in the race just days when those numbers came out. In addition Bachmann is in a dead-heat with Romney in Iowa at 22% to his 23%. Bachmann has twice the percentage as the number three candidate, Herman Cain.
To firm up her social conservative base, Bachmann recently signed a marriage pledge that includes a statement that she will not allow sharia law to advance in the United States. A native of Iowa, she will be hard to beat there, and Romney may skip that state and concentrate on New Hampshire. GING-PAC has made no formal endorsements in the presidential race. However, GINGPAC has always endorsed and supported Michele Bachmann in her races for the House.
GING-PAC has supported Todd Akin since he first ran for Congress in Missouri. He is a godly man who has served as a Sunday school teacher for decades. His family has followed him in service to this nation. Akin was a commissioned officer in the Army. Two of his sons are in the military and a third is at the Naval Academy. On several occasions during radio and TV interviews he has used the motto of this organization, saying that “government is not God.”
In discussing NBC “editing” the words “under God” out of a story on the Pledge of Allegiance, Akin noted: “Well, I think NBC has a long record of being very liberal and at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God. And so they’ve had a long history of not being at all favorable toward many of things that have been such a blessing to our country. These powerful words have liberals enraged.”
According to Akin, “This is a systematic effort to try to separate our faith and God, which is a source in our belief in individual liberties, from our country. And when you do that you tear the heart out of our country.”
Rep. Akin’s Communications Director Steve Taylor told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that Akin was discussing the basic differences between conservatives and liberals on where rights come from. Liberals think rights come from government; conservatives believe rights come from God. The differences in beliefs, says Taylor, are the “defining principles of two political ideologies.”
Congressman Akin wrote the forward for my book, The Pledge: One Nation Under God which details the history of the Pledge of Allegiance. That book is still available at a reduced price at:
GING-PAC has endorsed Todd Akin for the Senate seat now held by radical liberal and pro-abortion Claire McCaskill.
When you help GING-PAC elect men and women to Congress such as Todd Akin or Michele Bachmann, you are helping to steer America in the right direction. With your help, GING-PAC can make a difference in special elections as they occur. PLEASE DONATE NOW!
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013
Big Journalism commentator Kevin Martin believes that the liberal media has a definite strategy figured out in pushing for Jon Huntsman to stay in the race to win the GOP nomination for President of the United States.
The strategy, notes Martin, is to push for Huntsman (an unpalatable candidate for conservatives) so that conservatives will either stay home or vote for a third party candidate. This effort will ensure an Obama re-election.
The mainstream media, says Martin, “will try to portray him as a Reaganesque figure. Unlike Reagan, Huntsman has evolving views on important social issues such as civil unions, man-made global warming, cap and trade and abortion rights that can appeal to voters across the board in the 21 Century. We will be inundated with puff pieces and push polls on his business experience and ability to work with our largest foreign debt holder China on issues of jobs and trade since he was Obama’s pick as Ambassador to China up until recently, which alone earns he has the experience to bring us out of the Great Recession.”
Martin concludes: “Conservatives must remain fully aware that the mainstream media and its pundits will encourage Democrats to crossover and try to ensure that Huntsman wins several open primary states in the early going to make him the perceived GOP front runner. Now with that said, conservatives must remain focused on the fact that our very nation is at stake and we must not allow the hi-jinks of the Main Stream Media and the Democrats to suppress or split our vote in 2012 with the unpalatable Jon Huntsman.”
RINO Huntsman is not only benefitting from the liberal media’s support of him, but he also has the support of his billionaire father who is working behind the scenes for him. Jon Huntsman, Sr. is a self-made billionaire, whose company invented the clamshell containers used by McDonald’s Big Macs.
GAYS LIKE HUNTSMAN AS WELL - I was just a little stunned when someone sent me a link to a story in Q Salt Lake. The Q stands for queer and it is a gay newspaper in Salt Lake City which has semi-endorsed Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman. Rather than editorialize I will quote directly from the gay site, “While there are no official endorsements from any caucuses or groups within the Republican Party yet, the Utah Log Cabin Republicans (ULCR) worked with Huntsman when he was governor, and are ready and willing to work continue that relationship,”
Melvin Nimer, the president of ULCR, said. “Huntsman was the first governor of Utah to open up the governor’s mansion to the LGBT community,” Nimer said. “They [the Huntsman campaign team] have reached out to get some help from us and some people within the group are working with him.” Having read this glowing endorsement of Huntsman in the official “queer” site, needless to say GING-PAC will not be supporting Jon Huntsman for president.
Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann is in second place as choice for President of the United States in 2012 in virtually every poll, just weeks after she announced her bid for the presidency. In a recent nationwide Rasmussen poll Bachmann was at 19% of likely GOP voters, while Romney was at 33%. However, Romney has been running for the office for years and has many millions of dollars for advertising, whereas Bachmann had officially been in the race just days when those numbers came out. In addition Bachmann is in a dead-heat with Romney in Iowa at 22% to his 23%. Bachmann has twice the percentage as the number three candidate, Herman Cain.
To firm up her social conservative base, Bachmann recently signed a marriage pledge that includes a statement that she will not allow sharia law to advance in the United States. A native of Iowa, she will be hard to beat there, and Romney may skip that state and concentrate on New Hampshire. GING-PAC has made no formal endorsements in the presidential race. However, GINGPAC has always endorsed and supported Michele Bachmann in her races for the House.
GING-PAC has supported Todd Akin since he first ran for Congress in Missouri. He is a godly man who has served as a Sunday school teacher for decades. His family has followed him in service to this nation. Akin was a commissioned officer in the Army. Two of his sons are in the military and a third is at the Naval Academy. On several occasions during radio and TV interviews he has used the motto of this organization, saying that “government is not God.”
In discussing NBC “editing” the words “under God” out of a story on the Pledge of Allegiance, Akin noted: “Well, I think NBC has a long record of being very liberal and at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God. And so they’ve had a long history of not being at all favorable toward many of things that have been such a blessing to our country. These powerful words have liberals enraged.”
According to Akin, “This is a systematic effort to try to separate our faith and God, which is a source in our belief in individual liberties, from our country. And when you do that you tear the heart out of our country.”
Rep. Akin’s Communications Director Steve Taylor told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that Akin was discussing the basic differences between conservatives and liberals on where rights come from. Liberals think rights come from government; conservatives believe rights come from God. The differences in beliefs, says Taylor, are the “defining principles of two political ideologies.”
Congressman Akin wrote the forward for my book, The Pledge: One Nation Under God which details the history of the Pledge of Allegiance. That book is still available at a reduced price at:
GING-PAC has endorsed Todd Akin for the Senate seat now held by radical liberal and pro-abortion Claire McCaskill.
When you help GING-PAC elect men and women to Congress such as Todd Akin or Michele Bachmann, you are helping to steer America in the right direction. With your help, GING-PAC can make a difference in special elections as they occur. PLEASE DONATE NOW!
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013
Jon Huntsman,
Michele Bachmann,
Q Salt Lake,
Todd Akin,
under God,
William J Murray
Friday, June 10, 2011
June, 2011 Campaign Update
Yet even the fact that a Christian conservative activist came in second in the 36th District Primary was called “shocking” by Reuters, and a “major upset” by the Los Angeles Times, and has definitely sent shock waves through the ranks of the Democrat establishment. Craig is a successful small businessman who employs around 100 people in his advertising, publishing and consulting business. He publishes a voter guide for values voters as well as running several websites to help conservative Christian voters stay informed. Craig is also a frequent talk show guest, and very active in his local church and charity work.
Janice Hahn, the candidate he faces in the July runoff, promotes the usual anti-biblical, anti family liberal agenda. She hopes to win by promising people something for nothing, which is usually a successful ploy in working class areas. Hahn is promising a plan to create 25,000 new “green” jobs in the district, by getting the federal government to “invest” billions in green technology. Trouble is, the government has no money to “invest” and the Chinese don’t want to lend us any more than they already have. Worse, the green technology pushed by the Obama administration has so far proved to be nothing but a big boondoggle.
Craig Huey is for real job creation, fiscal sanity and a return to biblical values. He has the endorsement of several prominent conservative Congressmen, including Mike Pence and Dana Rohrabacher, and is also strongly endorsed by many area pastors and local politicians.
I have met Craig Huey, and GING PAC is supporting his runoff campaign. Please help this true conservative win the July runoff and make it all the way to Congress! Funds can be donated to Craig Huey at his Internet site:
FAKE TEA PARTY CANDIDATE IN NY SPECIAL – A lot of people in the 26th District of New York, one of the state’s most conservative areas, are probably kicking themselves and wondering how they wound up with a flaming liberal Democrat like Kathy Hochul in the special election held on May 24. This was supposed to be a given for Republican candidate Jane Corwin, who had the endorsement of the Conservative Party, the Tea Party Express, and National Right to Life, among others. Liberals nationwide, after the trouncing they took last fall, were ecstatic about the outcome. The Huffington Post called Hochul’s win “extraordinary and unexpected.”
The news media portrayed Hochul’s win as a rejection by voters of Republican efforts to reform Medicare as outlined in Congressman Paul Ryan’s Roadmap for America’s Future. What really sank Corwin on election day was the 9% of the vote that went to a self-proclaimed “Tea Party candidate, Jack Davis.” The Tea Party Express and National Right to Life made great efforts to inform voters that Jack Davis was not endorsed by them and was only trying to divide the conservative vote. Davis had run three times before as a Democrat candidate and lost but still got on the ballott as a Tea Party candidate! How he did this lies in the lax New York election rules which allow anyone who can collect just a few thousand names on a petition to create a new political party in a district.
Multi-millionaire Davis spent more than $2 million of his own money, and with the aid of a shrewd lawyer collected 12,000 signatures and formed the Tea Party Coalition. The real Tea Party in that area, the Tea Party Express, cried foul and tried to warn voters, but it was too late. Many very conservative but uninformed voters unknowingly voted for a man who had been a big contributor to Democrat candidates and had even bragged about helping to give Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats a majority in the 2006 election. As a result of his efforts the pro-life candidate lost to Kathy Hochul, a big spending, pro-gay agenda, pro-abortion Democrat.
To help insure that the will of the people is accurately reflected by future election results, thirteen states with Republican controlled statehouses have in the last two months enacted laws to tighten up voter requirements. Texas, Wisconsin, Kansas, and South Carolina have joined eight other states which now require photo identification to vote. Democrats are steamed about the new measures which they say will pose too much of a hardship (especially to illegal aliens). However, any citizen who does not have a driver’s license can request a free photo ID card from the state Department of Motor Vehicles. Some other states which are tightening up their regulations include Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. If your state does not require photo ID to vote, demand it!
TED CRUZ: A TEXAS SOCIAL CONSERVATIVE - Out of a large field of contenders who want the Senate seat of retiring Texas Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, we are especially watching Ted Cruz, who is emerging as the favorite of social conservatives. The son of Cuban immigrants who escaped Castro’s communist dictatorship, Ted took full advantage of the opportunities this country offers. He earned a degree from Harvard Law School and clerked for Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist, and then after serving two years in the George W. Bush administration, he returned to Texas where he became Texas Solicitor General.
Ted has always been a social conservative. As Solicitor he argued a case called Van Orden v. Perry before the Supreme Court, in which he defended the right of the state of Texas to display the Ten Commandments. Until now the front runner in the primary field has been fellow Republican Tom Leppert, the Mayor of Dallas, who has raised more money than Cruz, and has also chipped in 1.6 million of his own money. Social conservatives oppose Leppert, who as Mayor of Dallas used to march in Gay Pride parades. GING PAC has not yet committed to back Cruz, but he seems a very promising candidate.
SENATOR INHOFE FIGHTING BLASPHEMY LAWS – GING PAC has supported Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma through several elections. This month he authored the hard hitting S. Res. 150 “Calling for the protection of religious minority rights and freedoms in the Arab world.” The Senator detailed several prominent murders of Christians and church burnings that have happened in the last few months, and he calls upon the United States to protect the freedoms and rights of religious minorities. Since blasphemy laws often lead to this violence, the Resolution “urges in the strongest terms that the United States Government lead the international effort to repeal existing blasphemy laws.”
When you help GING-PAC elect men and women to Congress such as Senator Jim Inhofe or a congresswoman such as Michele Bachman, you are helping to steer America in the right direction. With your help, GING-PAC can make a difference in special elections as they occur. Please donate this month, and visit our site for almost daily updates at
William J. Murray, Chairman
Political Action Committee For Social Conservatives
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013
2012 elections,
Craig Huey,
Jack Davis,
James Inhofe,
Kathy Hochul,
Tea Party,
Ted Cruz
Saturday, May 7, 2011
May, 2011 Campaign Update
Two liberal news organizations, the New York Times and CBS News conducted a joint poll in April that had startling results despite the fact that the questions themselves were intended to generate comments favorable to Barack Obama. In addition, Democrats were deliberately oversampled in the poll. Despite this the results for the White House were brutal:
- 70% of Americans feel things in this country are seriously off on the wrong track. That is the highest number since the 79% registered in 1/11/09 when President Bush was still in office.
- 80% rate the national economy as bad (44% fairly/36% very). Only 19% rate it as good (2% very/17% fairly).
- 39% think the economy is getting worse; only 23% say it is getting better. Last month those numbers were even at 26. In February they were flipped at 32% better, 22% worse.
- 57% disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy. That is the highest disapproval measured by the CBS/NYT poll. His 38% approval is matched only once by an October pre-election poll, just before the Democratic defeats of 2010.
- 59% disapprove of Obama’s handling of the federal budget -- also the highest CBS/NYT has ever measured that number.
- Obama’s Libya approval numbers have completely flipped from 50/29 approve in March to 45/39 disapprove today.
- 46% disapprove of the way Obama is handling foreign policy. That is the highest number ever for Obama in a CBS/NYT poll. His 39% approval on foreign policy is also his lowest score ever.
- 55% tell NYT/CBS they would rather have a smaller government providing fewer services. Only 33% want a bigger government with more services.
- When asked “Do you think Barack Obama has the same priorities for the country as you have, or doesn’t he?” 53% said no and 43% said yes. When Obama was inaugurated those numbers were 65% yes and 28% no.
It is clear that the vast majority of the American people do not approve of the radical agenda of President Barack Obama and neither do the corporate bosses that once supported him. In 2009, hedge fund managers such as Daniel Loeb, founder of Third Point LLC, raised tens of millions of dollars for Barack Obama. Their reward was changes at the IRS that raised their tax obligation on profits from 15% to 35%. There is the possibility of changing the minds of rich liberals who did not realize Obama would go after them with such zeal. Loeb has since given $486,000 to Republicans.
We now have an opportunity to reach out, particularly to independent voters, and beat not only Barack Obama in 2012, but even more of his radical supporters in Congress. GING-PAC will continue to be on the forefront of supporting candidates who are opposed to the radical agenda of Barack Obama. Already we are active in a special election in California.
SPECIAL ELECTION ON MAY 17th – Radical Democrat congresswoman Jane Harman, who votes 100% with her fellow Californian wacko Nancy Pelosi, has resigned her seat to join the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. It was President Wilson who helped found the League of Nations and who sank many of our battleships to prove America was a peaceful nation.
GING-PAC is supporting Craig Huey, a small business owner who publishes conservative election guides, in the special election to be held May 17th for the open seat.
Huey has a long history of involvement in conservative Christian political activism, and if elected to fill Harman’s seat he can be counted on to fight for limited government, biblical morality, fiscal sanity, and a strong national defense.
Southern California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has endorsed Huey’s candidacy: “I fully endorse Craig Huey for Congress in the 36th Congressional Special Election. Craig is not a politician. He’s a successful small business owner who knows how to create jobs. He will bring to the district and to Congress fresh ideas on stopping the irresponsible national deficit, bloated and wasteful government programs and pensions…”
I have met with Craig Huey, and he is our kind of candidate. Since time is short, I urge you to send contributions directly his office:
Craig Huey for Congress
23211 Hawthorne Blvd Suite 200 A
Torrance, CA 90505
23211 Hawthorne Blvd Suite 200 A
Torrance, CA 90505
Learn more about Craig at his Internet site at
Time is short in this election and I urge you to take urgent action. GING-PAC has already sent funds to Craig Huey and to be honest, we could send more if the funds were made available.
A GING-PAC supported Republican Senator, Roger Wicker, has called upon his colleagues to defund Planned Parenthood. In a floor statement Senator Wicker noted that Planned Parenthood performed 332,277 abortions in 2010, which was more than one quarter of all abortions performed that year in the United States. At the same time Planned Parenthood received more than $350 million in taxpayer funds in 2010.
Wicker said before a vote on his amendment to the budget, “We have an opportunity today to stop taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, and I hope my colleagues will join me to defund this organization.” Despite his efforts the Democrat Majority headed by Senator Harry Reid has kept money flowing to Planned Parenthood abortion mills
Earlier this year, Sen. Wicker introduced the Life at Conception Act which is designed to ensure that the Constitution’s fundamental right to life is applied to all Americans, especially to those who cannot speak for themselves. A 2008 Zogby International poll found that 59% of those polled believe that human life begins at conception. No vote was allowed on Wicker’s bill by Democrat majority leader Harry Reid.
During the first four months of 2011, GING-PAC has added 304 new members! If each of those new members donate just $100 each during 2011, GING-PAC will have $30,400 more to help conservative candidates during special elections and in the coming fight to win back the Senate and the White House.
Please share WWW.GINGPAC.ORG with your friends on Facebook and help us recruit members for this very crucial 2012 election cycle. Support on the Internet helps, even small contributions. Please contribute today.
William J. Murray
Monday, April 4, 2011
March - April Update
Since Randy Forbes came to the House in 2002 as a supported GING-PAC candidate, he has established himself as a leader. Randy formed the Congressional Prayer Caucus which has become a powerful force in the House of Representatives. Currently there are 55 members of the Prayer Caucus including Michele Bachmann, Jim Jordan, Mike Pence and other prominent Representatives.
Because of Randy Forbes, a church service was held in the rotunda of the Capitol Building in 2010. This was thc first time thc Capitol had bccn used as a church since 1868. For more than 100 years after the Capitol was built, church services were held there every Sunday. Did you know that? Thanks to Randy Forbes, “How Great Thou Art” was once again sung in the Rotunda.
CONGRESSMAN TRENT FRANKS - Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) founded and now chairs the Congressional International Religious Freedom Caucus. With co-chair Heath Shuler (D-NC), he introduced a resolution calling for the U.S. to take action to protect religious freedom. The resolution condemns the intolerance that sanctioned recent high profile assassinations in Pakistan including that of the Minister of Minority Affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti, who was the only Christian in the government. Congressman Franks has assisted organizations such as the Religious Freedom Coalition in calling attention to the repression of Christians and other religious minorities in Islamic areas of the world.
CONGRESSMAN TODD AKIN - Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO), along with at least seven other GING-PAC supported candidates, co-sponsored H.R.973 to prevent the misuse of foreign law in United States federal courts. The bill states: “In any court created by or under Article III of the Constitution of the United States, no justice, judge, or other judicial official shall decide any issue in a case before that court in whole or in part on the authority of foreign law, except to the extent the Constitution or an Act of Congress requires the consideration of that foreign law.”
The use of foreign law including Islamic sharia law has become a matter of concern to me and other Christian leaders. Even Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor confirmed she had used foreign laws including UN resolutions to render her decisions. Recently judges in New Jersey and Florida have allowed the use of sharia law to determine the outcome of cases. (See next page)
CONGRESSMAN DOUG LAMBORN - The House of Representatives voted 228-192 on March l7th to prohibit direct federal funding to National Public Radio. The bill (HR 1076) sponsored by GING-PAC-endorsed Colorado Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn, will also restrict local stations from paying NPR dues or purchasing programming with federal dollars. After the vote, Rep. Lamborn issued the following statement: “This vote sends a strong message that Congress is serious about cutting spending.
With trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can sce, under Barack Obama, we must begin to cut all unnecessary spending. When the federal government gets its spending under control, the small businesses and entrepreneurs of our country will begin investing again with confidence. That, ultimately, will lead to the creation of private sector jobs Americans are looking for.”
NPR was formed in 1970 by then President Lyndon Baines Johnson as a means of combating what he saw as a generally conservative media. Since that time NPR has received many tens of millions of dollars from the government to champion an increasingly leftist agenda that was exposed in the recent firing of commentator Juan Williams and undercover videos showing the left leaning bias and anti-Israel nature of the staff.
CONGRESSMAN JIM JORDAN - Just a few years ago GING-PAC endorsed and funded Jim Jordan (R-OH) for his first run at the House from Ohio. In just three terms he has become a part of the leadership and now chairs the powerful Republican Study Conmiittee which is an organization for the most conservative Republican congressmen. Virtually all of the truly conservative bills, both fiscal and social, come from congressmen who are associated with the Republican Study Committee. For example, other memebers include Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, whom GING-PAC has also supported. Jordan was also named Pro-Life legislator of the Year by the United Conservatives of Ohio and won the Defender of Life award from Ohio Right to Life for his unwavering commitment to protecting the sanctity of human life.
SENATOR ROY BLUNT - Newly elected Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) announced he would head the Senate Values Action Team (VAT). Last year, then-Congressman Blunt stepped down from his leadership postion in the House to run for Senate as a fiscal and social conservative. After the departure of social conservative champion Senator Sam Brownback, there was no one to lead the very valuable Senate VAT. The VAT is an interface for social conservative organizations such as the Religious Freedom Coalition to organize for or against legislation. The House VAT, headed by Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA), and the Senate VAT were key in passing the Partial Birth Abortion Ban and the Defense of Marriage Act, just to name two pieces of legislation.
As soon as her misuse of federal tax dollars was exposed, McCaskill agreed to pay more than $88,000 to the U.S. Treasury. She claims that only one of the 89 flights was political in nature, but she has declined to make any additional records public on her use of this plane.
During the 2008 election, candidate Obama’s committee officially raised $745 million dollars. After the election, at the end of 2008, his committee still had $15 million on hand. The Democrat Party and independent organizations such as spent tens of millions more. More than $500 million was raised on the lnternet to elect Barack Obama, and much of the revenue originated from addresses in foreign nations.
Government Is Not God – PAC is launching an aggressive membership and fund raising drive in April. Starting in May these campaign updates will be published monthly. In addition our Internet site at is now updated almost daily. Please help us elect candidates such as those above, and help us move Barack Obama out of the White House.
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