Tuesday, December 8, 2009
December, 2009 - Campaign Update
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
"We’ll certify whatever the counties tell us is their numbers, and we’ll communicate that to the clerk of the House," John Conklin, spokesman for the New York State Board of Elections told an upstate newspaper. If Hoffman is certified the ultimate winner by the New York State Board of Elections Speaker Pelosi, being as dishonest as she is, will probably refuse to seat him. After all, she did seat Owen with no certificate from his state. The board of elections will certify the result at its December board meeting.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Scozzafava backs down-Social conservatives win
The NRCC (NatioRepublican Congressional Committee) had hand picked the pro-abortion, pro-gay agenda liberal Republican Scozzafava. She was the favorite of would be power broker and Minority Leader John Boenher.
Government Is Not God - PAC refused to back the anti-family Scozzafava as did virtually all other social conservative groups. GING-PAC endorsed and supported Doug Hoffman of the Conservative Party. Without social conservative help Scozzafava sank in the polls even after former Speaker Newt Gingrich sold out his principles and endorsed her.
The new Siena College poll shows Democrat Owens at 36 percent of the vote, Conservative Hoffman at 35 percent and "Republican "Scozzafava at just 20 percent, with nine percent undecided.
NRCC spokesman Ken Spain said Scozzafava will release her supporters to Hoffman. That endorsement will put NRCC phone banks, voter e-mails and ground operations behind Hoffman.
GING-PAC chairman William J. Murray said, "This is a huge victory for social conservatives who have drawn a line in the sand for Minority Leader John Boenher, making it clear to him that they will not support Republican 'moderates' who advocate special rights for homosexuals and government funding for abortion."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Obama's Payback to His Big Donors Exposed
OBAMA THE GOLF GUY - President George W. Bush suffered from media attacks for participating in any recreational activity while our troops were in harm's way. There has been virtually no news media reports on the 24 golf outings by Obama. Even less attention has been paid to the identities of those who play golf with him, such as UBS America's CEO Robert Wolf. (UBS is a Swiss Bank) The CEO had raised half a million dollars for Obama and his bank got a sweetheart deal with the IRS. Obama has also given the keys to the White House bowling alley to his top donors, and he watched a 3-D movie with them in the White House movie theater. Read more
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Washington, DC, October 7. 2009 - Government Is Not God, the nation’s oldest political action committee for social conservatives, has endorsed Doug Hoffman for the vacant House seat in New York’s 23rd congressional district. GING PAC chairman William J. Murray said, “There are three candidates in the special election for the 23rd district and only one is a conservative; that conservative is Doug Hoffman. He has a proven track record as both a social and fiscal conservative. GING-PAC is proud to join with other social conservative and pro-life groups in endorsing Doug Hoffman.”
GING-PAC chairman William Murray was critical of Republican leaders who pushed the district’s Republicans to accept liberal Diedre “Dede” Scozzafava as their candidate. There was no primary. Murray said, “Dede Scozzafava is an unacceptable candidate for social conservatives because of her strong support of abortion and same-sex marriage. Economic conservatives cannot support her because of a long record of profligate spending and support of higher taxes.”
Scozzafava has raised very little money from individuals, but has received contributions from some of the same unions that strongly support President Obama and Speaker Pelosi, namely the AFL-CIO and ACCORN affiliated SEICUS. She has been elected to the New York House on the Family Workers Party ticket which is a far left radical party supported by ACORN. Her husband is the regional president of the AFL-CIO.
“GOP leaders seem to have taken their conservative base for granted, figuring they can get liberals to vote for Scozzafava instead of the Democrat candidate. This strategy won’t work; liberals are not going to abandon the Democrat party on November 3rd to vote for Scozzafava.” Murray said.
It is fortunate that there is a strong third party available in New York to field a candidate that is an alternative to the two liberals that the Democrat and Republican Parties have put forward as candidates in the 23rd.
For more information: Doug Hoffman for Congress
Monday, June 29, 2009
June-July 2009 Campaign Update
First the bad news: Senator Sam Brownback is leaving the Senate to run for Governor of Kansas. For many years Senator Brownback has been the supporting backbone in the Senate for social conservatives. He has been the sponsor of the Values Action Team (VAT) in the Senate. The VAT is made up of social conservative Senators and social conservative groups such as the Religious Freedom Coalition. I attend the VAT meetings Senator Sam Brownback chairs each week that Congress is in session. I can’t even begin to tell you how important these VAT meetings are.
I have arranged for presentations at the VAT meetings by Iraqi Christian refugees; by our evangelist from the West Bank; by conservative Christian members of the Swedish parliament; by persecuted Christians from several Middle Eastern nations including Saudi Arabia, and many more. This allows me to introduce individuals to numerous social conservative groups who attend the VAT as well as to other Senators besides Senator Brownback. In addition, I and others have stopped really bad anti-Christian legislation cold by organizing in the VAT. The Vat has also been instrumental in passing pro-life legislation such as the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. Before each VAT meeting a handful of people, including myself, meet in Senator Brownback’s office for prayer.
How can we replace this man in the Senate?
This month I have spent some time with Congressman Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) who is running in the primary to replace Sam Brownback. Congressman Tiahrt is a member of an Assembly of God Church in Kansas, and he makes his evangelical belief in the absolute nature of the Bible clear. Also, at his Internet site and available for all to see, it reads:
“Healthy families are essential building blocks to any flourishing society. Todd supports legislation that seeks to uphold the sanctity of life and promote traditional family values that are important to Kansans.”
I regret to say that most Republican candidates for the House and Senate do not address any social issues at their campaign sites, even if they do vote pro-life. Todd Tiahrt does. In the primary election Kansans overwhelmingly supported Mike Huckabee for president and I believe they will elect a man such as Todd Tiahrt to the Senate. GING-PAC has endorsed Todd Tiahrt in the primary race for Senate and has assisted in funding his campaign. When you support GING-PAC you are supporting candidates such as Todd Tiahrt .
SOUTH DAKOTA - Keep an eye on Senator John Thune of South Dakota. He is amassing a huge war chest that he may plan on using for something in addition to his reelection. His campaign meetings here in Washington are organized far better than those of other candidates, and often serve as “briefings” in which he has ten or twelve other members of the Senate present. He could very well be a dark horse for higher office than Senate in 2012.
Regardless of who runs against him, including former Senator Tom Daschle, Thune has a ten to thirteen point lead in the polls. His defeat of Daschle in 2004 put the Senate firmly in the hands of the GOP, only to be lost again in 2006. GING-PAC supported Thune in his first run for the Senate and will support him again next year.
NEVADA - We don’t have a solid candidate in Nevada, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is very unpopular there. As Majority Leader he has taken on the task of passing the far left agenda of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi in the Senate. In a recent poll by the Las Vegas Review Journal he had a favorable rating of only 34%. That is less than the 39% approval rating of Republican Senator Ensign after he admitted to an extramarital affair. Before admitting the affair Ensign had an approval rating of 54%. Reid is so unpopular that this seat can be won next year -- all we need is a candidate!
FLORIDA - GOP Senator Mel Martinez is retiring and the well healed Republican governor, Charlie Crist, wants his seat. Most social conservatives, including Governor Mike Huckabee, have endorsed his opponent Marco Rubio, the former Speaker of the House in the Florida legislature. Rubio’s conservative values are impeccable, while Governor Crist is considered a “moderate.” The entire Republican establishment has jumped on the Crist bandwagon, which gives me pause. At the various meetings I attend around Capitol Hill the main reason for backing Crist is his “fund raising ability” and the fact that he already has more than $2 million on hand to run his campaign. Having money left over from his various state races does not make him the best candidate for the Senate. Like Governor Huckabee, I am supporting Marco Rubio .
GING-PAC is a small social conservative PAC. We can enter only a few Senate races in the 2010 cycle. As a result we must choose those races carefully.
Did you know that the month of June is now specially designated to honor homosexuals and other sexual perverts? President Obama issued a proclamation declaring June to be "LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered) Pride Month ." Think back just ten years ... could you imagine the time that a president of the United States would issue a proclamation honoring
sodomy? We are not just waging a political battle in America; it is a moral and spiritual battle.
In Washington we are continuing to fight a far left machine that now controls virtually all the reins of government. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is as far left as a human being can get without falling off the planet. We have a President and a Speaker of the House with a warped, irrational view of the world. They see sodomy as normal and Islam as tolerant. At the same time, Obama and Pelosi see you and me as threats to society because we believe in Biblical truth. They make up truths for themselves and society without regard to the reality of God or of human nature.
We need to pray for real change .... at the same time we must work for rational change. We need to get rid of the pie-in-the-sky, tree hugging, Kumbaya singing crowd that runs our nation and replace them with rational people who understand the sin nature of man. There is only one way to do that. We need to place real social conservatives in the House and Senate, and hopefully to get either the House or the Senate, or both, out of the hands of utopian leftists before they destroy the nation. Your help is needed.
Please send a check to help today, or give an online gift at www.gingpac.org .
William J. Murray, Chairman
Monday, May 18, 2009
Nancy Pelosi Acts the Clown
MORE ON AMERICA'S RELIGIOUS HERITAGE - Congressman Randy Forbes' HR 397, a resolution reaffirming America's Religious heritage has picked up new momentum. Congressman Tom Price, the chairman of the very powerful Republican Study Committee, has signed on as a co-sponsor and he is urging the entire congressional membership of the committee to co-sponsor as well. I urge you to read and distribute the resolution which clearly outlines the true religious heritage of our nation. The Religious Freedom Coalition is an integral part of the movement to pass HR 307. Read more
You must watch Congressman Forbes' impassioned plea for the Judeo-Christian heritage of our nation. The video of Congressman Forbes is just four minutes long. but it is power packed. Watch here
Friday, March 20, 2009
March, 2009 - Campaign Update
Only a few days remain until the very important special election in the 20th District of New York, to be held March 31st. This race is a must-win for Republicans because the district, which includes Schenectady, is a Republican stronghold even though their last representative was a Democrat. The Democrat, Kirsten Gillibrand, was conservative and a member of the NRA.
This is also an opportunity to have a real conservative represent the district.
The special election for Gillibrand’s seat is being held because of her appointment by Governor Paterson to fill the recently vacated Senate seat of Hillary Clinton.
The Republican candidate, Jim Tedisco, is a true conservative who is currently the Minority Leader of the NY Assembly. He has consistently fought for smaller government and lower taxes, and is also a reliable social conservative, having received a 100% rating from the New York Right to Life Committee. Tedisco is well known and well liked and has been running comfortably ahead of his Democrat opponent, Scott Murphy. A Siena Research Institute Poll the last week of February had Tedisco winning in every age demographic, even 18 to 34 year olds, and he even has a 14 point lead among Independents!
Not much is known about the social or political views of the Democrat Murphy, who is a venture capital manager. Never having held public office, he has no voting record, nor does he address any social issues on his website.
The outcome of this race should not be taken for granted, however. Whatever Scott Murphy may lack in the way of experience or name recognition, he does have powerful supporters, such as the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. He also has the wealth of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) behind him.
The DCCC seems to be conducting an almost entirely negative campaign. At the DCCC website devoted to Murphy, there were no links to news stories about him when I checked, and only a brief biographical sketch. There are, however, links to no less than 33 negative articles and stories about his opponent Jim Tedisco. There is also a slick, negative campaign clip that has run on television all over the state.
Democrats are somewhat anxious about this race, as it might be interpreted as a referendum on Obama’s economic policies, since Murphy is a strong supporter of Obama’s wild spending. Because of this it will be a very important victory for us. GING-PAC has sent funds to the Tedisco campaign. We will send additional funds if they become available.
OBAMA'S STEM CELL LIE- There is a huge difference between adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cell research has provided real cures for real illnesses. I have met and shaken hands with a man who had all his Parkinson's disease symptoms relieved by adult stem cell treatment. On the other hand, embryonic stem cells have provided no cures and have actually caused injuries. The embryonic stem cell "science" is obsolete and there is just nothing there that will ever help anyone.
Why then did President Obama begin taxpayer funding of this obsolete science? He claimed he did it to cure five illnesses he listed, but it was adult stem cells that have yielded the cures in all five areas. Is Obama just flat out ignorant on the subject, OR is he satisfying the pro-death lobby in the Democrat party that wants to play with embryos to prove they are just cells and not real people? If that is the case perhaps Obama should invite a snowflake baby to the White House. Snowflake babies are adopted children who have developed from frozen embryos in suspended animation, the suspended animation that Obama wants to interrupt to kill them.
How does Obama’s entire life view differ from say, Ronald Reagan’s?
An American whose job it was to take notes at a summit meeting between President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev, recalled an attempt by our President to convert the Soviet leader from atheism. Rudolf Perina said, "Reagan thought he could convert Gorbachev, or make him see the light." The President used a story about how his own son was an atheist and how he would like to convert him to a view of faith.
Ronald Reagan was not only a believer, he was pro-life to the point that he actually wrote a pro-life book, titled Abortion & the Conscience of the Nation. We have come a long way from a president who was openly pro-life to one willing to destroy life for no rational reason at all. Even if he had moral grounds to order extermination of embryos, there is just no sound science to justify it at all. Even atheists should be against the waste of tax dollars.
Are we ready to get rid of this pro-death president who will do anything to satisfy the abortion industry and the mad scientists who want to experiment on human life? The answer is no. The Republican Party is a rudderless ship with no captain. No one can figure out who is in charge or in what direction the party is going.
Now is the opportunity for social conservatives to step forward and take command. For two long we have sat in the back of the bus while Wall Street drove us to Hell. We need to put Wall Street in the back of the GOP bus and we need to sit at the wheel, and that can only happen when our candidates win elections. To win we need funds.
Right now we are involved in the special election in New York’s 20th District and have the chance to bring a pro-life congressman to Washington. There are going to be other special elections, this year and next. But, just about all of our funds have been exhausted during the hard fought 2008 election cycle. We must prepare now for the upcoming fight to put more social conservatives in the House and Senate. Please send a check or give an online gift at www.gingpac.org.
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
PO Box 77237
Washington, DC 20013
Monday, February 9, 2009
January - February 2009 Campaign Update
Billy Joe, his wife and three children live in a double wide in Virginia, and last November he voted for the McCain/Palin ticket. Billy Joe does construction work that has not been easy to find for the last year or so. He has no medical insurance, and his children are covered under a combination state and federal medical program. His family would qualify for food stamps, but he is not willing to apply for them. He did not earn enough in 2008 to pay any income tax and will get a refund equal to a little more than was withheld from his checks for taxes. Just doesn’t sound like he should vote Republican, but he does. He told me he votes Republican because he loves his God, his family and his shotgun, in that order. I met Billy Joe in the parking lot at the Super Wal-Mart when he asked me where I got the “Palin for President 2012” bumper sticker that was on my Jeep. I told him the PAC I am chairman of made them up and handed him two, which he tried to pay me for. He had no idea what a PAC (Political Action Committee) was. We talked about his kids and he told me how he wanted them to grow up in a country where they wouldn’t be ashamed to talk about the Lord at school and could go hunting it they wanted to. He was afraid the public schools were going to teach his boys that being gay was better than being straight, and he smiled and assured me it wasn’t. Billy Joe is one of the faces of the Republican Party we never see on Capitol Hill; he is the part of the party that would stand in line overnight to get a glimpse of Gov. Sarah Palin. The day after I met Billy Joe, I attended a meeting with the new chairman of the House Republican Conference, Congressman Mike Pence. At the meeting he talked about how the Republican Party was moving to a stance of “protecting the taxpayer,” and how that was going to move the party back into the majority two years hence. As Congressman Pense went on and on about protecting the taxpayers, I thought about Billy Joe and realized that the good congressman had no idea who the real constituency of the Republican Party was. Most millionaires and billionaires, including Warren Buffet, voted for Barack Obama. It was guys like Billy Joe who elected Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, and they had done it out of principle, not out of greed. A lot of them did not even make enough money to pay income taxes. As Pence spoke, he didn’t realize he was telling us, “We can buy the votes of the taxpayers by telling them we will help them keep more of their money to buy consumer goods.” This just does not matter to Billy Joe and millions like him who have voted Republican since Ronald Reagan ran in 1980. It was Reagan who convinced them that the Democrat Party had deserted him and them, and adopted the gay Hollywood lifestyle that promoted killing babies in the womb and banning God in the classroom. I don’t know exactly how many Billy Joe’s there are who voted Republican, but after talking to him I drove through a trailer park and discovered a lot more American flags flying there than in my own neighborhood, and a lot of McCain/Palin bumper stickers still on the tailgates of pickup trucks. I can’t prove this, but my guess is that as many as a full quarter of those who vote GOP do not make enough money to actually pay income taxes. I base this on the fact that 41% of those who file income tax returns have a “zero tax liability.” That means they got back 100% or more of any tax withheld from their paychecks. Congressman Mike Pence is a good man and a smart man, but he has read too much drivel in Heritage Foundation White Papers. Pence and a few other key Republican figures should stand in front of a Wal-Mart to meet some Republicans who actually work for a living, the kind that care more about their families and God than about buying alligator skin covered trash cans at Rodeo Drive boutique shops. With the knowledge of who their constituency actually is, just maybe they could start to understand how to win elections again. WE MUST REPLENISH OUR FUNDS There are going to be run-offs and special elections almost immediately. Just about all of our funds have been exhausted during the hard fought 2008 election cycle. We must prepare now for the upcoming fight to put more social conservatives in the House and Senate. Please send a check or give an online gift at www.gingpac.org . William J. Murray, Chairman Government Is Not God - PAC |
Thursday, January 29, 2009
We can win Kirsten Gillibrand's Seat
The House Democrat leadership is very unhappy with the appointment of 20th District Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand to the Senate by New York’s Governor David Paterson. Even Speaker Nancy Pelosi is making it known that Gillibrand’s seat in upstate New York will be very hard to hold. Republicans view the 20th District as a stronghold for their party that they lost in 2006 only because of scandals and the total ineptness of former House Speaker Dennis Hastert. Also, Kirsten Gillibrand was one of the few New York Democrats conservative enough to be backed by the NRA. She is an avid hunter and a fiscal conservative.
“This should be a Republican seat,” said Bob Bellafiore, a former press secretary to Gov. George Pataki (R). “Having hit rock bottom, this is the first step for Republicans in New York to start their comeback, by winning a seat that should be rightfully theirs.”
But the big question is whether the Republicans will run a conservative who fits the nature of the district or “go for the middle” with a anti-tax candidate who supports same sex marriage, or even worse, is pro-abortion. As Republicans moved away from social conservatives in the Northeast they lost more and more seats.
Within hours of Gillibrand being sworn into the Senate, Republican leaders met and picked Assembly Minority Leader Jim Tedisco as their candidate. It is unknown if the Conservative Party will back him as well. Tedisco was the 2006 candidate for governor on the GOP ticket. As you may recall, he lost to Elliot Spitzer who is best known nationally for hiring high dollar prostitutes. Tedisco has received at times a 100% rating from the NY Right to Life Committee and a zero rating from abortion group NARAL. He is also part of an Alliance Defense Fund lawsuit to stop Gov. Paterson from allowing homosexual marriage.
If Jim Tedisco wins this special election it will show that the Republican party does not lie cold in the grave. But Jim Tedisco is not the kind of candidate the big money guys in the Republican Party want. Wall Street favors anti-tax candidates who also favor same-sex marriage and the whole homosexual agenda. Walls Street and the big corporations see big bucks in the “gay agenda” and favor going back to the days of Richard Nixon, when social conservatives were not welcome in the Republican Party at all. Wall Street and particularly the editors of the Wall Street Journal just do not understand that without social conservatives the Republican Party can’t win elections.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Goodby George, Hello Barack
A FAREWELL TO GWB- When George W. Bush was sworn in as Governor of Texas in 1995 my wife Nancy and I were present in Austin, Texas. We moved the offices of the Religious Freedom Coalition to Washington, DC from Dallas, Texas shortly after that. We were also at both of George W. Bush's presidential Inaugurations, in 2001 and 2005, and in fact participated in Inaugural Balls both times. Going full circle now, we have been invited and will attend the farewell ceremony for President George W. Bush at Andrews Air Force Base on January 20th. We were not invited to any of the Inaugural Balls or other events for Barack Obama.
OBAMA'S GAY MILITARY - Barack Obama has indicated that one of his first orders as Commander-in-Chief will be to eliminate the "don't ask, don't tell" policy toward homosexuals in the military initiated by President Clinton and continued by President George W. Bush. Under the order to be issued by Obama, homosexuals will be allowed to openly flaunt their sexual encounters in the military. Why is this a problem? In a combat unit men must act as a team. When "lovers" are in the unit they watch out for each other and not the team. Read more
BUSH PROCLAMATIONS - Before leaving office, George W. Bush issued two proclamations of interest to social conservatives. He proclaimed January 18th as National Sanctity of Life Day. The March for Life will be held in Washington, DC on January 22nd, the anniversary of Roe V. Wade. President Bush could not issue a proclamation for that date because Barack Obama will be president. It is VERY doubtful that Obama will ever issue a "Sanctity of Human Life" proclamation because he simply does not believe an unborn child is a human life. President Bush also proclaimed today, January 16, 2009 as Religious Freedom Day. I do not know if these links will work after Barack Obama is sworn in.