Often GING-PAC will assist more than one social conservative in the same race without an endorsement. Early in the primary process I authorized funds for both Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Senator Rick Santorum because GING-PAC’s purpose in existence is getting out the pro-life, pro-family message, and both of those candidates were doing just that. We did not send any funds to Governor Rick Perry who also had a pro-life message, because he was supported from the start by wealthy donors and super-PACs who gave his campaign a multimillion dollar advantage. Newt Gingrich also was supported with millions of dollars of super-PAC money.
Up to and during his time as Speaker of the House, I met with Newt Gingrich on numerous occasions. On one of those occasions he was promoting mandated health insurance that is no different than Obamacare, which he is now against. I really like Newt Gingrich personally and he is a brilliant man; however, the reality is that he has been on both sides of more issues than has Governor Mitt Romney. I cannot support either of these men because of their numerous flip-flops.
As the Iowa caucuses approached it became apparent that there was only one solid social conservative with a proven record of leadership both in the House and in the Senate, and that I believed could take on establishment candidate Mitt Romney. That individual is Rick Santorum.
Rick Santorum has an understanding that goes beyond being pro-life and pro-family. He thoroughly understands the current rise of radical Islam and how it poses a threat to Western civilization. Rick Santorum is committed to defending religious freedom not only here in America but around the world. During his time in the Senate Rick Santorum established the International Religious Freedom Caucus. This caucus of Senators in cooperation with outside groups worked tirelessly for the freedom of religious minorities, particularly in predominantly Islamic nations where they are persecuted.
In my capacity as the chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition I worked closely with Rick Santorum during his years in the Senate to free men and women in prisons in Islamic nations facing false charges of blasphemy. In some cases they faced the death penalty because they were born into Muslim families but had accepted Christ as Lord.
Rick Santorum is my choice and the choice of GING-PAC to replace Barack Obama – the worst, most anti-capitalist, anti-Israel, pro-Islam, and anti-military leader — our nation has ever experienced. We will put our resources and time into helping elect Rick Santorum to become the next President of the United States.
You can help GING-PAC help Rick Santorum in several ways:
First, social network fund raising is done at a site called I have set up a personal page at that includes a video message from me, endorsing Rick. One hundred percent of the funds raised there go to Rick Santorum’s campaign. The nice thing about is that you can then share your donation on Facebook and that encourages others to donate as well.
Second, donations can also be given at his home Internet site. I am a registered “bundler” with the Rick Santorum campaign and my initials are the code to let the campaign know I sent you there. To give directly at this site go to:
Third, checks can be written directly to Rick Santorum for President and sent either to GING-PAC or directly to the campaign. If you send your checks to GING-PAC we will “bundle” them every week and send them for special handling at the campaign headquarters. This lets Rick know that the PAC and I are working for him. (Election laws do not allow us to tell a candidate or his campaign what we are doing on his behalf in advance.)
Fourth, you can send funds to GING-PAC that we will use to promote independently the campaign of Rick Santorum. As an example, back in 2008 GING-PAC called every known pro-life voter in South Carolina and Georgia, asking them to vote for Mike Huckabee. We could do that again for a candidate such as Rick Santorum, but we have to have the funds on hand.
Every four years we hear the talking heads on television say that an election will ‘determine the future of America’ or that it is the ‘most important election since Abraham Lincoln’ or something to that effect. It is true that virtually every election changes the direction of the nation somewhat, but this election is truly different.
In the last three years Barack Obama has increased the debt of this nation by more than did all previous presidents combined. He has implemented new rules, using executive orders, to make sure that our nation will be dependent on oil from Islamic nations for decades to come. He has also done true damage to the social fabric of the nation by promoting homosexuality while at the same time drastically increasing Islamic immigration.
Four more years of Barack Obama will separate yet another generation of Americans from dependence on the family and instead encourage them to be wards of the government. We will have a nation of puppets, with strings called “benefits” attached to puppet masters in Washington. Our freedom of speech is being eroded as has already occurred in Europe, as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton work to outlaw any criticism of Islam.
It is my promise to you that Government Is Not God – PAC will work full time to defeat Barack Obama and his cronies in the Senate who want to “fundamentally change” the United States into their vision of a utopia – which will be a dream life for them but a nightmare for the people.
This is the hard truth: GING-PAC needs more than $10 and $20 contributions in 2012. To fight the one billion dollars Barack Obama intends to spend, we need some real money as well. Please consider a contribution of $100 or more this month to GING-PAC. Donate today.
With your contribution to GING-PAC you can also include a separate check made out to Rick Santorum for President, and I will deliver it to him with other checks from GING-PAC supporters. Thank you and God bless you
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
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